- Can Social Media Use Be More Health-Promoting? Description and Pilot Evaluation of a School-Based Program to Increase Awareness and Reflection on the Use of Social Media
- Kunnskapsoppsummering
- Commonly reported negative experiences on social media are associated with poor mental health and well-being among adolescents: results from the “LifeOnSoMe”-study
- Selvpresentasjon på SOME
- How do Norwegian adolescents experience the role of social media in relation to mental health and well-being: a qualitative study
- Pupils’ Use of Social Media and Its Relation to Mental Health from a School Personnel Perspective: A Preliminary Qualitative Study
- Lower subjective socioeconomic status is associated with increased risk of reporting negative experiences on social media. Findings from the "LifeOnSoMe"-study
- Focus on Self-Presentation on Social Media across Sociodemographic Variables, Lifestyles, and Personalities: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Ranganath, P., et al., Negative experiences, social exclusion and unwanted attention on social media: exploring the association with adolescent alcohol use.
- Christoffer Lysenstøen mfl: Prososial atferd på sosiale medier
Rapporten “Hele verden et tastetrykk unna” (FHI, 2022)
Se også:
- Barnevakten.no: https://www.barnevakten.no/angst-og-depresjon-pa-sosiale-medier/
- Barnevakten.no: https://www.barnevakten.no/skole/laeringsressurser/ung-pa-sosiale-medier/
- Les mer om prosjektet Helsefremmende miljø på sosiale medier.
- Les om forskningsprosjektet ved Folkehelseinstituttet.
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